The Data Source
Welcome to The Data Source, a monthly newsletter covering the inputs and outputs of the data science, data engineering, and developer tools ecosystem.
I’m Priyanka, an investor at Work-Bench covering data management and developer tools. For context, Work-Bench is an early stage enterprise software-focused VC firm based in NYC with our sweet spot for investment being at the Seed II stage which correlates with building out a startup’s early go-to-market motions. In the data world, we’ve been fortunate to invest in companies like Cockroach Labs, ArthurAI, Algorithmia, Datalogue, Alkymi, and others.
Through this newsletter, I will be sharing resources that help inform my research on data topics I’m tracking and offer an investor’s perspective on what it means for the enterprise. This effort will be collaborative with the community, so if you’re an operator, leader, or contributor focused on data, I’d love to hear from you.
Sign up now so you don’t miss the first issue.
In the meantime, tell your friends!